
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Psalm 91

Hello there.
Today I would like to talk about the happenings that have been going on in this house lately. It's been a really tough week. It's been really cold here, with record cold temperatures in our area. We have been fighting head colds and other illnesses and other financial issues that have really had us questioning what in the world is going on. We are in the full throttle of schooling at home now and its not easy getting motivated most days. Most of it is because of me and being the procrastinator I am. I am my own worst enemy most days. Even though we are not moving as fast as we should be doing, its actually going really well. Madison's work is A+, as long as I am right there to guide her along the way. It gets really frustrating sometimes because I cannot step away and have her do the seat work that is required without her becoming distracted. But its good since she is learning and seems to enjoy it once she gets started.
We have had the usual financial issues that we have all at one point in our lives happen to us this past week. My husband who pays the bills forgot to pay our electricity bill last week and the company put us onto a load limiter. This hindered us greatly to the point where we could not have more than one or two things going at once without tripping the meter to turn off the power. We could not use our oven or stove or really heat the house for that matter. It was awful. I called out to God, "Okay, just how am I to feed my family now?" We were frustrated.
Thankfully, God understands our pain and His word comforts us when we need it the most. Last night I was reading a book that mentioned Psalm 91 in a chapter where we dont have peace in our minds. So I looked up the Psalm and it took my breath away.
Thankfully when we are at our lowest points He is there to hold us close in His arms. I pray that it speaks to you as well in your time of need. Here is what it says:

Psalm 91 (NLT)
(1)Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty
(2)This I declare of the Lord:
He alone is my refuge; my place of safety
He is my God and I am trusting Him
(3)For He will rescue you from every trap
and protect you from the fatal plague.
(4)He will shield you with His wings
He will shelter you with His feathers.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
(5)Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,
nor fear the dangers of the day, (6)nor dread the plague that stalks in darkness
nor the disaster that strikes at midday.
(7)Though a thousand fall at your side
though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you
(8)But you will see it with your eyes; you will see how the wicked are punished.
(9)If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter
(10)No evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your dwelling
(11)For He orders His angels to protect you wherever you go
(12)They will hold you with their hands to keep you from striking your foot on a stone.
(13)You will trample down lions and poisonous snakes; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet. (14)The Lord says," I will rescue those who love me.I will protect those who trust in My Name. (15)When they call on me I will answer;
I will be with them in trouble; I will rescue then and honor them. (16)I will satisfy them with a long life and give them My Salvation.

WOW!!! Isn't that amazing? This Psalm really spoke to me because our power went out in the middle of the day and He rescued us alright. Our new church family wrapped their arms around us and brought us hot meals every day until the power was fully restored. At our last service there was an offering taken and afterward the senior pastor and his wife came and gave us the money to pay the bill off. And tonight the children's pastor came with a meal and some new shoes for our daughter. Is God good or what right? We have felt so loved and cared for because God's family listened to the Holy Spirit and helped a family member in need. That is what the church of Christ is supposed to do. Listen and obey and bless others in need.

Tomorrow morning we have to take our 7 yr old daughter to the children's hospital to get her kidneys tested. She has only about 2/3 functionality and they are small and under developed so the specialist wants to see what is actually happening there.
He isnt concerned now so we are grateful for that. Our sweet little girl is very nervous and doesnt want to have to do this. One test is an IV test with some dye and the other is going to be inserting dye via her genitals. So, that being said, I am going to have confidence that God has us in the shelter of His wings and we can rest in Him and His promises.


Thank you Lord Jesus that we can rest in You and Your promises no matter what happens in our lives. I thank You for Your love and presence when we cannot see the big picture. Thank You for guiding our church families to being a blessing when we need them the most. Thank you for being there and never leaving us to go through things alone. Thank You for being understanding and for being such a comfort to us when we call on Your name. I ask that we will always run to You and listen to Your promptings when You speak to us. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New beginnings

Hello all.
There have been lots of things happening here lately that I feel that I should share with you.
We have been led by God's Holy Spirit to attend another church. We attended there sometimes when we had car troubles or were running late. They have always been nice to us and welcomed us. We love the music and the Pastor always has an anointed message. They are a more Charismatic style and they are growing. Plus the church is about 2 or 3 minute walking distance from home! It sure is nice to have other couples there who are closer to our age and situation. They are sure into giving back to the community, which is refreshing to see. It has been definitely interesting being at the new church every week. I have joined the worship team, well I've been to a couple of practices and its a whole new level of worship for me. I am not used to singing with other instruments other than a piano. The caliber of musicians is phenomenal as one of the members has 5 degrees in music!!! WOW!!!! It should be awesome. What a learning experience I am in for! Even the pre-service prayer time is wonderful! They intercede for the community and are loud and pray specific, pinpoint prayers. Wow! I am not used that at all. Also, I was asked to help with the fellowship times. I was wanting to help so I thank GOD for these opportunities to serve.

I really am not sure what happened with our old church, but something is missing. Is that Something or is it SOMEONE?? Hmmm, I wonder. I do not want to slander the denomination, because they as a church has been really really good to us over the years. Therefore, I will not mention that particular denomination. When it's Spirit led then what can you do right? At our old church, they cut out most of the outreach including the food bank due to budgetary constraints. That is something that grieves the Holy Spirit don't you think? I hope and pray that this changes there soon. They are now showing signs of a dying church and I don't think I can grow at a dying church.
At our old church, there was a farewell time of fellowship this past Sunday night for a couple of friends who are leaving and heading to the east coast. Their names are Todd and Natalie. They are a fabulous couple who are anointed by God, that is for certain. They have started and have run a compassionate ministry that counsels people probono. It has touched countless lives. She has the gift of music and encouragement. She can sing like an angel and has mentored and supported me since I have known her. And he is so super smart and hilarious! They are both so down to earth and humble. My husband and him have become almost best friends. He also recently became ordained. We had the privilege of being there for the ordination service. We are going to miss them terribly. Even our daughter will miss Pastor Todd as he always makes kids feel special. He's got that knack. We released Todd and Natalie to do what God has called them to do. It was really moving. We hate to see them go, but we have to obey the Holy Spirit. And besides, we will have somewhere to visit when we go on our road trip next summer. Bonus! God has some amazing plans for their lives and I am sure it will be awesome. I have no idea what that is, but it will be wonderful.
Another pastoral couple, Mark and Kathy have recently accepted a request to pastor a church in a town a couple of hours south of here. They are a young family with three young children. Mark and Kathy started a congregation 4 years ago and it has grown with the help of the Holy Spirit. But it hasn't been perfect. People get in the way of the Spirit and things start to go down hill. But they are happy and there is another couple taking over the congregation who seemed excited to be there. Mark and Kathy have some obstacles in their way, like getting a new home and making sure that their current home is taken care of. But it will work out. So we released them as well into their new pastoral position. Our former senior pastor was proud of them and their accomplishments and grateful to have mentored them. He brought us all to tears. We surrounded these two wonderful couples of GOD and prayed for them and released them from ministry at the church. They will be missed by many.

Romans 8:28 " And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them."