
Monday, May 16, 2011

Moving to the country, gonna eat alot of peaches.....

Well, folks I have some news for you. Seven months ago,my family and I packed our bags and our dog and cat and boarded a plane headed east. We are now living in the country, with my in laws on their 10 acre lot.
As with most cases, there are adjustments to be made. Firstly for us, its been very different living in the country as compared to the city. There are so many things to think about that we have never had to think about in the city.
For instance, we had a run in with a skunk and our dogs. They chased a skunk that was in the backyard and got themselves sprayed. EWWWW!! We had to wash them both with tomato juice and boy did the house STINK!!! My in laws have a cattle dog named Harley, (They're bikers, can you tell?) Our timid Teesha and Harley have gotten to be best friends now. There are 5 other cats here too, along with our cat. They have all had to do some adjusting too.
Then, of course is the chores that need to be done. We had to till the garden with a noisy old roto tiller and did some planting last fall. I don't garden At all. During the winter, Will went out and had to use the snowblower for a few hours. Yeah, that was different from the tiny yard in Calgary! Oh and then there was renting the log splitter to split the logs so we could have firewood. And I had to learn how to stack it properly. Then we had the power go out during a snow storm and learned that since they are on a well there is no water available to use during the outage.Yep, not in Calgary anymore!
But I think we can manage that stuff because it has been a learning experience. We have had to learn how to live with others and respecting other's space and schedules. We have to submit to them and that is humbling. I think it keeps us accountable to others. It has been stressful at times and makes us want to move out as soon as possible but we wouldn't trade them for anything. I especially love the relationship that Madison and her grandma have now. They have so much fun together.
We have also learned to not be so attached to stuff as we came with all we could carry onto the plane. We had a trailer in Calgary and we had made arrangements with a guy to rent to own the place. We would eventually come and collect our belongings which we were storing in the shed, in the summer. Well, that lasted about a month and then we pretty much lost everything we had. I felt like Lot's wife in the Bible as she turned to look at her stuff, she turned to salt. We were very discouraged and sad at the time. So, we are literally starting fresh here.

1 comment:

  1. That skunk ordeal must've been a laugh later when all was said and done.

    I imagine your move was quite an adventure.

